Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Woodworkers

I have for sale my Henry Tempo 6n2. This amplifier has an output of a kW on both 6 and 2 meters. The desktop unit contains both the RF deck and power supply. I have owned this great amp since 1982 which was used for contesting, tropo, ms, and EME.

Never had any initial quality problems with Alpha or Henry. Henry Tempo 6n2 Manual Arts Toilers. TTY Lifesaver. Heath's GR- 8. 8 Gets Religion!

So I replaced the 8 and 12V regulators and checked everything else on the power supply PCB. After putting it all together again I switched her on and there was life! A few checks showed that all was well, she is producing power as expected, the auto-band changing and tuner is working and the fans switch on when they should. I am happy to have the old workhorse back, the amp is so quiet and you do not have to even touch it when you change bands it is a real pleasure to operate. Up and running again! Inside top view Power regulator section, this was where the problem was. Automatic tuner Finals heat sink and cooling fan.

I must say I forgot how heavy the amplifier is, around 40kg, everything is super heavy duty including the internal 120A 28V power supply! This amplifier is a thing of beauty, I normally prefer tube amplifiers but this one is special. It can run any mode full power with 100% duty cycle for as long as you want. Here she is with the top cover removed I cleaned the inside and made sure everything is ok, the insides look like new.

Underneath showing the tube sockets Tubes removed and tuning capacitors ready to be cleaned. Ready to close up and give it a try!

In some ways, 2m is my favorite band. When I started out, it was the lowest frequency I could use as a Class B licensee. I certainly have more rigs for this band than for any other. Rather too many in fact. I tend to acquire them. I am active on all modes, but mainly SSB and CD. My antenna is an 8 element moonraker, closely spaced along with the other beams (see the page).

3 Upgrade kits assembled. The old (right) and new Power supply PCB Installation proved to be easy, thanks Harbach! Top view of old power supply Bottom view of new power supply. The extra transformer at the bottom supplies 12V to an extra cooling fan on top that I installed a while ago. Metron MA1000 Solid state HF amplifier. The Metron MA1000 is very similar to the T1000 but it runs from 12V with a max output of 600w (The T1000 is a 1kw with 100% duty cycle amplifier.) The Metron is extremely well made and robust, they don't build the like this anymore!

EHam.net Classifieds Detail [] [] [] Date Posted by Category User IP 2012-07-02 (UTC) VHF/UHF Amplifiers HENRY 6N2 KW AMPLIFIER FOR SALE: HENRY TEMPO 6N2 KILOWATT AMPLIFIER Uses a pair of 3CX400A7’s to develop over a Kilowatt out on 6 and 2 Meters. The combination of Push-Pull on 2 and Parallel on 6 requires no bandswitch. There are separate Inputs and Out- puts for each band. I purchased this Amp from an Estate back East and have spent many hours in cleaning it and checking out the Amp. The only problem is that the tubes are toast. I cannot get any Plate Current even though I have checked that the Filaments are good. I put together a 150 cfm Blower System since the original (and marginal) Blower had been removed.

Heathkit SB-200 Amplifier Update: After waiting since August 2014 for parts that I ordered from Harbach electronics for my Heathkit SB-200 amplifier they finally arrived! The delay was caused by our local, useless, postal service going on strike for months! Minutes after the parts were delivered I was busy assembling the kits. I ordered a power supply module, soft start and soft key for the SB-200. I also ordered 2 soft key kits for my TL-922's but I will install them later when I have nothing to do. Below you can see the 3 kits for the SB-200 assembled.

Interesting matching and tuning setup. Time delay relay, I have never seen one of these before! 6m vacuum tuning capacitor. Rather dirty 3CX400A7 (8874) valve Update: I did get a bit of time today to clean the Henry Tempo 6N2 amplifier, it is now looking new again! I was hoping to connect it up but after studying the manual it seems to be not that simple!

It turned out that I was correct, the one tube was dark, the one I did not re-solder last time. A quick check with a multi meter showed an open circuit filament. I carefully re-soldered both pins and the open circuit went away! After putting the tube back all was well again with the power output restored to previous levels!

I am not really happy with the mod so when I have time I will either return it to original configuration or maybe do a better 6m mod. I need to replace the smoothing capacitors in the power supply before using the amplifier again, they are still original and not well! Yuri boyka undisputed 1 online subtitrat. Heatkit HL 2200 Classic amplifier using 2 x 3-500Z tubes Currently (June 2014) this amplifier is down for maintenance with a faulty stand-by switch.

G0MJW Last Modified 24 August, 2008.

I replaced the diode stack in 1983 and it has run solid ever since. The meter occasionally sticks and can be unstuck by a tap. It obviously does not affect the output power which should be monitored with a wattmeter. I removed it from service this past February after the Jan VHF SS. Reason for selling - I have acquired a Harris amp for 6m and an 8877 amp for 2m. I do not want to use the 6n2 as a backup and would rather it go to an active vhfer, EMEer.

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Update: I have now been using this amplifier for a while and what a great amplifier it is! It just sits there with it's quiet fan producing lots of power without any fuss, I am glad I added this amplifier to the shack. Yaesu FL-2100Z This amplifier uses 2 x 572B tubes and is a classic from Yaesu. This amplifier had been the work-horse in my shack for a long time, since we have a 400w power limit it copes well and has been reliable. Heathit SB-200 Amplifier using 2 x 572B tubes. This amplifier had been modified, by someone else, for 6m use.

This also includes the service manual with a parts list and schematics. Price is $1475. I can arrange for a pickup within a couple hundred miles of FM29mt or possibly can make an exchange at Dayton. Pictures upon request. 73, Mike - WB2RVX FM29mt _______________________________________________ VHFcontesting mailing list VHFcontesting@contesting.com.

It seems to be well made (German) and in a great condition. Front panel, no tuning needed on this mono band amplifier.

TW-1000 1KW SS A SS HF amplifier build like a tank! I have not used this amplifier for years, I think the last time I did was when I used it in a contest, and I have not run a high power contest since 1998! This amplifier will run 1kw with 100% duty cycle in any mode for as long as you want, it was used by embassies for RTTY, CW and SSB in the days before satellite telephones. Update:I decided to check my TW-1000 amplifier and prepare it for use. I decided to connect PTT and ALC cables internally to the controller rather than the 12 pin external plug, I plug I could never find and I was not happy with my previous temporary arrangement.

70 cm 100 W D-1010-NR 70 cm 80 W Repeater amp. D-1010ATV-N 70 cm 100 W D-1010ATV-NR 70 cm 80 W Repeater amp. 70 cm 100 W D-3010-NR 70 cm 75 W Repeater amp.

I also have a DPDT Coax Relay for the T/R switch. Also included is a copy of the Manual. I have given up on trying to find reasonable cost replacement Tubes, so I will let it go for basically what I have in it. Price is $650 and it is PICK-UP ONLY in Vail, Arizona (20 miles SSE of Tucson). Trades considered; Heath SB-220 or similar Amp. Email: **Please To send an email** Previous: More Recent.

One tube dark, those pins. Re-soldered and all lit up again! Henry Tempo 6N2 New The 6N2 is an interesting amplifier. It uses 2 x 3CX400A7 (8874) tubes, operating in push-pull mode for 2m and parallel for 6m. The amplifier is capable of 1kw output (I will only use 400w to stay legal) so it should add some punch to my signal on 2 and 6m.

If you can't find a manual please do not contact us, all the manuals we have are online. 1.013 Kbytes 470 Kbytes 1.394 Kbytes 1.418 Kbytes 6.029 Kbytes 2.424 Kbytes 3.552 Kbytes 419 Kbytes 419 Kbytes 1.127 Kbytes 2.010 Kbytes 1.164 Kbytes 3.636 Kbytes 2.479 Kbytes 1.907 Kbytes 3.244 Kbytes 1.968 Kbytes 1.870 Kbytes 1.519 Kbytes 1.176 Kbytes 702 Kbytes 704 Kbytes 627 Kbytes 514 Kbytes 2.903 Kbytes 3.457 Kbytes 500 Kbytes 4.469 Kbytes 2.826 Kbytes 1.078 Kbytes 8.040 Kbytes 1.676 Kbytes 2.951 Kbytes 1.250 Kbytes 368 Kbytes 832 Kbytes 319 Kbytes 1.706 Kbytes Total: 74.160 KBytes This is all the manuals for Henry Radio. If you want to see manuals from other manufactories you can click on the manufactory menu in the left side. You can also that mods.dk have manuals, schematics or other files from.

Update: I thought I sorted out the standby switch after cleaning it but the problem returned after a while. Since only one side of the switch was used I simply turned it around and now she keys perfectly again. I operated her for a few hours, and then suddenly the output dropped.

The amplifier does not have an internal antenna switch over relay so you have to add an external relay to switch the antenna over AND switch the tube bias, wonder why they did not add an internal relay? Anyway, I have a few relays but need to make sure I have one that can handle 1kw of VHF RF! So it will take a while to get it going. Homebrew HF amplifier with 4-400 My first attempt at a completely home-brew amplifier, the 1 x 4-400 tube give me an easy 'legal limit' (South Africa) output on all HF bands.

ZS6DX's home page ZS6DX/V51VE Amplifiers (Work in progress.) As much as I love QRP I also love amplifiers, specifically tube amplifiers, I love modifying them, building them and just playing with them! There is something magical about glowing bottles and high voltages producing lots of RF. Below are the amplifiers in no particular order I have at the moment with a few comments on them. This page is still 'work in progress' as I will add more detail and photos when I get a chance.

DB-35 2 m/70 cm 45/35 W Dual band PAC10-70-B 150-174 MHz 70 W PAC15-100-C 450-475 MHz 100 W PAC30-130-B 150-174 MHz 100 W 2 m 50 W Built-in 15 dB preamp NAG-2100ML 2 m 100 W Built-in 15 dB preamp.

Metron MA1000 Solid state amplifier Inside of the Metron MA1000, it uses 8 x MR 454 transistors, you can also see the relay switched band pass filters. In the above photo you can see that 2 of the relays are open. As standard maintenance I always clean T/R switching relays on all of my amplifiers on a regular basis. Fischer F70 New I finally found time to go and fetch my new 70cm amplifier. It is a Fischer F70. It runs a single 4CX250 for a maximum output of 500W, more realistically would be 300-400W.

Mods.dk -> Instruction, users and service manuals for Henry_radio Main Menu Manuals for Henry Radio This is the manuals page for Henry Radio. In this page you find schematic, users and instructions manuals, service manuals, technical supplement, leaf leads and other good stuff. If you have some stuff that not is listed here you can donate this. Note that there is a limit to the number of files you can download. And when you click on the file or icon it will count as a download.

It produces 300W. More if I push it. This one gave me a lot of trouble, I followed the modification instructions from the internet.

Mine needs some work at the moment as the12V supply is dead after an encounter with lightning, and it was not even connected to the antenna. I am hoping to sort it out sometime soon.

If you select DOWNLOAD, then you will receive the download information in your e-mail within 1 business day. If appears, then the manual is available for immediate download and you will receive the information right after placing your order Brand Model Number Format Price HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99 HENRY DOWNLOAD 16.99. SERVICE MANUAL: This is a service manual that is exactly as released by the manufacturer and contains repair information for fixing your appliance or consumer electronics product. Click on a model number to see the details of what is included in the service manual and see a sample page.

Trans World T1000 solid state amplifier. Matron MA1000 solid state amplifier. While testing the T1000 I also connected my 'expedition/field station' amplifier, the Metron MA1000, very similar to the T1000 but it runs from 12V with a max output of 600w (The T1000 is a 1kw with 100% duty cycle amplifier.) The Metron is extremely well made and robust, they don't build the like this anymore! This sample is brand new, I took it out of the box. With it's switchable (manual or automatic) band pass filters, it produces a nice clean signal.

Top view showing the RF compartment with the 4CX250R Bottom view showing the power supply and blower inlet. Connectors on the back Closer look at the RF compartment open. Kenwood TL-922 New Update And then were two!

The home station has been upgraded recently, I am now using a transverter and the Ekecraft K3 rather than the IC7400. My main power amplifier is a Tokyo Hi-Power HL-350VDX that puts out around 300W PEP. I do have much more available using a pair of 4CX250Bs, which I use on special occasions. It is not practical to run very high power most of the time. All my high power amplifiers use valves and they tend to be noisy. The amplifiers get used for contests and special expeditions. Amplifiers I enjoy building amplifiers and have made several for 144 MHz over the years.

Henry Tempo 6n2 Amplifier

Update: I opened up the amplifier today and checked everything, no problems were found and when I applied power she worked perfectly like the day I finished building her. Looks ok, lets apply power! Running and producing power, the single 4-250 will give me 400w but not much more, since 400w is our legal limit that is perfect. Yaesu FL-7700 A nice SS amplifier with internal auto tuner.

A converted AM6155 amplifier from the USA. This uses a single 8938 (A fat 4CX250B).

I added a second TL-922 to the shack. The idea is to have 2 identical radios and amplifiers for the main contesting station. Two Kenwood TL-922's in the main operating position. Classic amplifier using 2 x 3-500Z tubes. This is a new addition to my shack, I have cleaned it up, it was rather dusty, after a 2 hour warm-up to reform the capacitors and heat the tubes I applied RF and it is working well! Below are a few photos of the inside of the amplifier.

If you have one of these, make sure you modify the grid circuit to increase the negative grid current capability. If you don't negative grid current, if it happens, drags down the grid voltage, causing even more grid current and a valve saturated at maximum anode current, though probably not for long before it expires. There have been several previous amplifiers, including a Henry Tempo 6N2, a Nag144 XL, A pair of 4CX250Bs, a a 4CX1000 and a pair of 4CX350As. The later reminds me of the dangers of EHT PSUs. The first EHT PSU I ever built had 2500V and 6 1100uF 450V capacitors.

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